Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Big 5

Kuya J.C.

St. Michael

St. Philomena

St. Rita

St. Anthony

Thanks to them I finished my English rewrite.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Quotes from Star Wars: The New Jedi Order Book #13 (Traitor)

Here are some wondriferous quotes from Traitor by Matthew Stover:

"'This has been attempted before,' Tsavong Lah growled. 'The
Jeedai Wurth Skidder, and the Jeedai Tahiri on Yavin
Four.'" (32)

"That's the trouble with fanatics, he thought. They're
easy to manipulate, but somehow they take everything five steps too
" Nom Anor's thoughts on p. 36

"Well begun... is half done." - Vergere (37)

"Oh yes. Is this not what playgrounds are in the New Republic - a
place for children to learn the boundaries of behaviour? One
learns to fight in playground scuffles; one learns politics in
playground cliques. It is on the playground that one is initiated
into the madness of mobs, the insidious mire of peer pressure, and
the final, unthinkable, inarguable unfairness of existence -
that some are smarter, others stronger or faster, and no force at
your command can make you better than your gifts." - Vergere (47)

"What distinguishes a flower from a weed is only - and exactly -
this: the choice of the gardener." - Vergere (62)

"No one who can tell the dhuryam to blow itself out of an air
lock." - Jacen Solo (63)

"I guess you could say, Jacen thought, I taught the
dhuryam that sometimes partners are more useful than slaves.
- Jacen Solo (65)

"You can kill me, but you can't make me obey." - Jacen Solo (65)

"If I came of a species that had never had arms, I wouldn't
recognize a hammer - and I'd have no use for it, even if I somehow
guessed what it was. A hammer would have nothing to do with me at

Like the Force has nothing to do with the Yuuzhan Vong.
" -
Jacen Solo (68)

"If a species that had always been blind met a species that had
always been deaf, how would they communicate? To Jacen, the answer
was obvious: they would have to improvise a language based on a
sense that they shared
." (70)

"To create the emphatic bond, as he has done, requires each of them
to downplay their differences, and focus on all they have in
common. Yes: the second step is complete." - Vergere on Jacen
Solo's completion of the second step of the Jacen Solo Project. XD

Jacen is a healer & mobbed by the sick, like in Jesus Christ Superstar.

"There are no weeds here.

Every slave was a flower. Every life was precious. he would spend
the last erg of his strength to save every one of them." - Jacen
Solo's thoughts on p. 76

"I don't believe it for a nanoblip." - Nom Anor, who has learned
many Basic expressions. XD

"Warriors win battles without murdering the weak." - Jacen Solo, p.87

* Jacen used amphistaff armour. *

"Winning... is not the same as fighting." - Vergere (91)

"Vergere spoke without the faintest hint of irony. 'I tell you
this: though neither he nor they yet know it, he is the greatest of
all the Jedi. Jacen Solo is the living Jedi dream. Even without
the Force, he is more dangerous than you can possibly imagine." -
Vergere (91)

Jacen used a grenade! XD

"Have you not learned, Executor... that everything I tell you is
the truth?" - Vergere to Nom Anor (97)

"Ever the optimist... You assume that we will live out the hour."
- Vergere to Nom Anor (101)

"Does our avatar of the Twin seek only confusion and slaughter - or
does he produce confusion and slaughter as a diversion?" -
Vergere (102)

"'Jacen, no! Don't do it!'

He whirled, staggering, white-blind and gasping.

The voice had been his brother's.

'Anakin - ?'

'You can't kill this one, Jacen,' Anakin's voice said from beyond
the white. 'This one's your friend.'" - Anakin's ghost
talking to Jacen (108)

"Where in all nine Corellian hells am I?" - Jacen Solo (116)

"If the world is full of violence, savagery, and torture, this must
be how they want it.

Lots of things about the Yuuzhan Vong made sense to him now." -
Jacen Solo's ruminations on p. 120

"Out of control is just code for 'I don't want to admit I'm
the kind of person who would do such things.' It's a lie." -
Vergere to Jacen Solo (122)

"But everything you tell yourself should be the truth - or
as close to it as you can come. You did what you did because you
are who you are. Self-control, or its lack, had nothing to do with
it." - Vergere to Jacen Solo about his slaughter of Yuuzhan Vong in
the nursery. (123)

"Jacen shook his head. His family history was itself the ultimate
argument that the dark side is everybody's affair, but he
wasn't about to get into that." (124)

"Nobody could remake him into the Jacen Solo he remembered: the
cheerfully reckless Jacen, chasing Zekk into the downlevels; the
exasperated Jacen, trying one more time to make Tenel Ka crack a
smile; the Jedi apprentice Jacen, born to the Force, but still awed
not only by the legend of Uncle Luke but by the power his uncle's
teaching could draw out of him; the teenage Jacen who could wilt
under his mother's stern glare, but still exchange roguish winks
with his father and his sister the instant Mother turned away."

"Jacen reflected bitterly that a large part of growing up seemed to
involve watching everything change, and discovering that all
changes are permanent. That nothing ever changes back.

This was what the alien beauty of Yuuzhan'tar whispered constantly
in the back of his head: Nothing lasts forever. The only
permanence is death
." (128-129)

"You are free to do, or not do, what you will. Do you understand
the difference between training and teaching? Between learning to
do and learning to be?" - Vergere to Jacen Solo

"I thought the danger of the dark side was that it is
natural: that's why it's easier than the light, yes?" - Vergere to
Jacen Solo (145)

"What you call the dark side is the raw, unrestrained Force
itself: you call the dark side what you find when you give
yourself wholly to the Force. To be a Jedi is to control your
passion . . . but Jedi control limits your power. Greatness -
true greatness of any kind - requires the surrender of
control. Passion that is guided, not walled away. Leave
your limits behind." - Vergere to Jacen Solo (168)

* "On a smog-blackened balcony jutting just below the far end of
the gangway, stood Anakin." (172)

"He'd been lost for hours when Anakin walked in." (183)

"Anakin shrugged. people are capable of rationalizing just
about anything
." (190)

"everything's easy when you have no doubts. - Anakin Solo (190)

"better death than life bought with innocent blood." -
Anakin Solo (194)

"you could have killed them all. you had the power. and you
could have killed the cavern beast. you had power enough for that,
too, i bet. just like you could have killed vergere, and nom anor.
but you didn't kill anybody. instead, you used the power you'd
found to serve life. your dark side ain't all that dark, big
." - Anakin Solo to Jacen Solo (194)

** Jacen converses with Anakin kind of like Caulden and his
deceased younger brother Allie in The Catcher in the Rye.

"the force is one, jacen. it encompasses all opposites. truth
and lies, life and death, new republic and yuuzhan vong. light and
dark and good and evil. they're all each other, because each
living thing and everything is the same thing. the force is
" - Anakin Solo to Jacen Solo (195)

"When you always know what is right, where is freedom? No one
chooses the wrong, Jacen Solo. Uncertainty sets you free."
- Vergere (197)

"The executor released the activation plate and knelt at Jacen's
feet. He lowered his head in obeisance, and offered up the
deactivated lightsabre to Jacen on outstretched palms.

Jacen recognized the handgrip's design.

It was Anakin's.

He looked at Vergere.

She returned his gaze steadily. 'Choose and act.'" (201)

"Jaina was making Ganner painfully aware that she was the
granddaughter of Darth Vader." (215)

"'Nobody's dead and nobody's hurt,' Ganner said coolly, voice as
even as his lightsabre's hum, 'but that can change. Anytime. It's
your call.'

The four Force-invisible white-robes, scattered the small chamber
off balance or off their feet entirely, hesitated. The middle-aged
man stood motionless.

Ganner couldn't restrain the hint of a smile. Not only am I
good at this
, he thought reflexively, I do it with
" (220)

**Ganner discovers that Jacen, thought to be MIA, is alive: "When
he could finally speak, the only word that could pass through his
nerveless mouth was 'Jacen . . .'

'Hi, Ganner,' Jacen said tiredly." (222) **

"[Jacen] wore a long, flowing robe of black so dark that its folds
vanished into formless night. Along his sleeves spidered an
intricate design that glowed with a light of its won, chased in
scarlet and viridian like a network of external arteries that
pulsed light instead of blood. Draped over his shoulders he wore a
surplice of shimmering white on which strange, unidentifiable
sigils wrote themselves in twists of shining gold.

[Ganner] opened his mouth to ask Jacen what kind of stupid masked
ball he was planning to crash in this ridiculous costume, but
before his drug-numbed lips could shape the words, he remembered:

Jacen Solo is a traitor." (231)

"They offer me a shadow of my due respect,' Jacen replied with
regal assurance. "The words mean 'Behold the avatar of the God.' "

"Tchurokk sen Jeedai Ganner! Tchurokk'tiz!"


"And they, uh, like me too, huh?"

"They do not like you," Nom Anor interjected, as cheerfully
malicious as a well-fed Hutt. "No one likes you; they
merely honour your willing sacrifice to the True Gods."

"Yeah. My, uh, willing sacrifice. The True Gods. That's right.
So - what are we waiting for?"

"Nothing at all," Nom Anor said. "Let's get this show started,
shall we?" - Jacen, Ganner, and Nom Anor conversing. (244)

"When you start to become who you are, the first thing you learn is
that there is nothing to fear." - Jacen Solo to Ganner Rhysode

"'You know, I never liked you, Jacen. I thought you were soft.
Wishy-washy. An over-intellectual bleeding heart.'

'I never liked you either.' Ganner looked up to find Jacen
answering his grin with a gentle, knowing smile. 'I thought you
were nothing but a grandstander. A play-acting glory hunter, more
concerned with looking good than with doing good.'

Ganner laughed out loud. 'You were right.'

'So were you.' Jacen held out his hand. 'So: here's our chance to
show the Yuuzhan Vong what a grand-stander and a bleeding heart can

Ganner took Jacen's hand and gripped it fiercely. 'It'll be a show
they'll never forget.'" (261-262)

"'This is insane!' Nom Anor turned to the warrior commander
at his side. 'Can't you simply blow him up? Gas him?
Something?'" (266)

"Jacen reclined on a couch beast in the coralcraft's cargo stomach,
staring through the clear curve of a corneal port at the vast
noncolour of hyperspace. Vergere sat curled up in a feline repose
on the other side of the room. She might have been napping, but
Jacen doubted it.

He still hadn't seen her sleep.

Every time he looked at her, he remembered coming to the coralcraft
hidden below the Well, remembered finding Nom Anor tied up like a
field-dressed nerf. he remembered how the Yuuzhan Vong executor
had begged to be taken along. 'Leaving me here - that's the same
as murder!'

Jacen had turned his back and walked onto the coralcraft
stone-faced. 'Don't think of it as murder,' he'd said. 'Think of
it as your Blessed Release.'

Once Nom Anor had understood that no plea would help, his pleading
had turned to curses. He'd insisted that only his protection had
allowed either of them to live this long. 'Take her with you, yes,
you vile little traitor,' he spat at Jacen. 'One traitor deserves

Vergere had answered cheerfully, 'And what did you expect? How was
I to teach treason, had I not learned it already myself?'" (286)

"This is the most valuable lesson one can teach a fanatic: that
fanaticism is self-defeating." - Vergere (291)

"No lesson is truly learned until it has been purchased with pain."
- Vergere (291)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Quebec City

Look! I found a Canadian flag in Quebec City! =)

The same Canadian flag from another angle.

The museum (the building on the left).

Walking to the Citadel, past the National Buildings.

The Plains of Abraham, as mentioned in our Social Studies/History textbooks. =)

The entrance to the Citadel. The words below the crest are "Je me souviens/I remember."

A bit of a closer look at the crest above the entrance to the Citadel.

The view from the Citadel.

Looking down at one of the museums and some old military weapons on display.

Where the Governor General lives.

The Governor General's house.

One of the many named doors/buildings in the Citadel. The plaque beside this door mentioned the French-Canadian Royal Vingt-Douze Regiment aka the "Vondoons."

The view from the Citadel.

The view from the Citadel.


A display inside one of the museums which mentioned how the men in the Royal 22nd Regiment used to play hockey, the sport of Quebec. =)

Commemorating the Canadians' victory at Vimy Ridge in World War I.

The Fortifications of Quebec.

The Fortifications of Quebec.

The Fortifications of Quebec.

The Fortifications of Quebec.

My "dream house" is the building on the right with blue and white windows and doors. =)

Walking to the crêperie.

Casse-Crêpe Breton, the best crêperie ever! =)

Me about to eat my delicious crêpe. =)

My other pictures can be found here:

Monday, June 19, 2006

Photos from Trois-Rivieres

Where I went to Mass with my friends.

That sign says Turco, like Marty Turco, goalie of the Dallas Stars.

The shower curtain that I installed in our bathroom.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I went to my first CLP today! I like the two songs we sang: "We Will Magnify" and "Hosanna" (which I already knew from CFC-YFC). We had a talk by Cheryl, Kuya Charles' sister, who is one of my role models now. =) I did not like the icebreaker game too much, but hanging out after the nice talk, share, and discussion group was fun. It was cool hanging out with the leaders and feeling like their equals instead of seeing them as part of a "leader-clique." Enrico, Iris, Penny, Cathy and I went to Richmond to eat dessert... We ate at this kind of "hole-in-the-wall" place by Richmond Centre that served leche flan with shaved ice and condensed milk. Yum! I hadn't laughed so much in a long time ("There's a party in my mouth and everybody's throwing up." -Echo). I think I got abs from laughing so much with them. XD I'm really looking forward to next week's CLP. =D

Yours in Christ,

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Lake House with Pat

Today I went to a special screening of The Lake House with my father, aunts, and my dear Thai friend Pat. There were some free giveaways from places like Curves and Blenz, since it was a special screening. A girl from Z95 asked us Keanu Reeves/Sandra Bullock trivia questions before the movie started in order to give away a few prizes. I won a Blenz gift card for knowing how Keanu Reeves got the nickname "The Wall" (Thank you, IMDB!). XD The movie itself was quite odd (Enough reason to not make English versions of perfectly fine Korean movies). O well... It was a cute movie... Meh!  Dad and I waited with her at the skytrain station until her Thai guy friend (turns out his name is Ben) picked her up. I'll miss Pat when she goes back home to Thailand this weekend. Hopefully I'll get to see her again soon. 0 = )

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Home!

It is nice to be home, especially now that I can hang out with my brother again. I really missed downtown Vancouver when I was in Quebec too... And Vancouver food! I really missed the good Asian food here. XD

What I Miss about the EIF at Trois-Rivières

What I really miss from Trois-Rivères/the EIF (in no particular order) are speaking French, springtime weather in Quebec (the wind!), the animateurs, our activities at school, the Info-Weekends, my top-floor apartment (especially the shower and my dorm room... the bed and the bedsheets as weird as that sounds ...and having nothing but my bare essentials in my room), my roommates and friends, Sarah's cooking, having no TV and just watching movies on a laptop, having a regular sleeping pattern (I always slept at midnight and woke up at 7, in an effort to have a regular body clock upon my return to Vancouver), having motivation to get up in the morning (not wanting to be late for breakfast at the caf & my 8:30 class), eating balanced meals at the caf (though I must admit, the food was not for gourmet tastebuds, I had a way more balanced diet back at the caf than I do now), the hearty breakfasts at the caf (especially the breakfast specials; I hardly eat anything for breakfast here), the UQTR campus, eating with my friends (especially Phil and Clive - you guys are hilarious!), the city of Trois-Rivières, and not having to worry about course registration or money or anything aside from getting my homework done.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Bal Costumé Photos

Christina et moi

Christina et moi encore

Une troisième photo de Christina et moi.

Christina, Sarah et moi.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Les Expressions Idiomatiques

Manger sur le pouce:
Prendre son repas très rapidement.

Avoir un creux à l'estomac/Avoir une faim de loup:
Ressentir une grande faim.

Donner un coup de main:
Aider momentanément.

Être à trois pas d'ici:
Être très proche.

Ne pas être dans son assiette:
Se sentir mal physiquement ou moralement.

Aller comme un gant:
Convenir parfaitement.

Ne pas fiare dans la dentelle:
Manquer de délicatesse, de finesse.

Être au même diapason:
Partager la même idee, la même opinion.

Perdre les pédales:
Être hors de soi, être sans contrôle de soi.

Faire la part des choses:
Juger adéquatement.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Common Slips By Students in the Explore Program at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières


"Comme like..."

New Vocab:.

Volant: The object that you whack around with the rackets in a game of badminton.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Une Très Ado Blague

«You know... Le bonheur... Le happiness?» - Quelqu'un dans l'histoire de Heather.

Expressions Quebecois

Avoir une crotte sure le coeur:
On a frustration apres il/elle a pardonné quelqu'un.

Passer quelqu'un au cash:

Yelling at someone during an argument and being dead meat after. XD

Mon chien est mort:
«J'ai une bonne idée (quand j'aime quelqu'un) et ce n'est pas possible.»

Tes Bébelles pis ta coeur:
«Je suis occupé, bye!»

L'affaire est ketchup:
Il n'y a pas de probleme.

Avoir du front tout le tour de la tête:
Exagerrer. Depasser la limite.

Je suis.

("you know").

Un beau pétard!
un beau garçon.

Ostine moi pas:
(when you're trying to make someone stop bugging you).

Il est de bonne heure sul piton!
Quand quelqu'un se lever très tot le matin.

Ché pas!
«Je ne sais pas!»

Random themesong for the day
: "Escape Through the Asteroid Belt" by John Williams from The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Finalement! J'ai l'Internet à ma résidence!

Monday, May 08, 2006


So Christina and I did our grocery shopping at Dollarama yesterday... Just got some cutlery, a new shower curtain, some garbage cans... Dollarama is the East Coast twin of Dollar Giant. Everything's a buck! Wohoo! XD We saw our computer lab buddies Vivian and Jed there at the mall yesterday so we went to Loblaw's with them and bought a bag of apples that will hopefully last us till the end of the program. Christina really wanted parmesan cheese too... There was one kind that was for 14$... Kriffing hell!! It`s quite wierd how Loblaw's is the high-end grocery store in the East, while Superstore is cheap in the West. XD We bought the cheap parmesan. lol. Then we went back to our dorm... We agreed to meet back with Vivian and Jed at the computer lab after dinner... We just checked our email and left right away... We were wondering if our 2 other roommates would show up and lo and behold they arrived last night... Alix is from Saskatoon but goes to McGill & Sarah (Oilers fan... Boo!! j/p) is from Edmonton. Sarah`s engaged to a Flames fan... That should be interesting! XP We were pretty tired last night & slept quite early... I decorated my room last night too. I have pictures. =)

Today we got to the caf for breakfast at 7:45, just when they told us to come, but we waited in line until 8:40... What the kriff...  I saw Kathryn in line! But she was way ahead of me! We didn`t get to talk much, since I was walking to the back of the line with my roommates. XD Then we went to our welcome assembly... And we had our entrance test in this huge exam room with swivvely chairs. Sarah, Christina and I sat with the guys we met in line for breakfast, Joel and Mike... Alix woke up late, so we just saw her when we were walking to our seats in the exam hall. The first part of the exam was guided by this tape recording with a Texan accent. >.< Then it was written... I barely finished... I still had pretty much the whole vocab section left when the prof said «one minute left», so I just randomly pencilled in scantron circles and handed the test in to the teachers who were collecting them. There are so many people here! I've just stuck with my roommates and Vivian and Jed... Everyone's really nice here, though. We still haven't been busted for speaking English... Everyone's still speaking English here... Supposedly there`s a countdown then we'll start speaking French en tout temps (all the time).

My dormmates and I managed to avoid a long food lineup at lunch... We lined up with Kathryn and ate with her and the girls from her dorm. Kathryn arrived here yesterday afternoon and said she went to some place where you can get good sandwiches for dinner last night. I wonder where that is... *scratches head* Christina and I met up with Sarah and Lara, her friend from another dorm, by the entrance of the Albert-Tessier building (the equivalent of the SUB) after we had a snack at the caf. Then the 4 of us went to the mall together... I bought cough drops at Zellers and I got placemats for Sarah and Alix at Dollarama. Ooh we had ice cream from La Crémière (Did you go there, Tita Cyn?), since Christina kept mentioning it when we passed it in the mall... She and her Mom had ice cream there when they first arrived in Trois-Rivières and she said it was really good ice cream. I ordered Cabane a Sucre. It was delishy. La Crémière has frozen yogurt the same as Yogen Früz and fruit smoothies with jelly in them, almost like bubble tea, aside from ice cream. On our walk back to the dorm, Lara got a cart from one of these huge stores that we passed and used it to help carry her 2 heavy shopping bags and the huge pack of water that she bought at Zellers. We have pictures! Bwahaha! («I'm not stealing it yet!» - Lara upon acquiring the cart). We have an assembly tonight, where we`ll have a countdown to the time when we'll have to speak en français en tout temps. I envy the kids who I saw at the mall... They have such lovely accents. Lara, Christina, Sarah and I all have costumes ready for le bal costumé (the costume ball) on Friday. Sarah`s gonna dress as Pippi Longstockings. That suits her coz she has lovely strawberry blonde hair. Christina's gonna dress like in 70s-inspired clothing. I brought my little black dress and heels of doom so I suppose I'll be Dana Tan (Terry/the new Batman's girlfriend) from Batman Beyond (That's right, Kat! Cosplay! Bwahaha! XD) or Lana Lang from Smallville... I prefer being Dana though... She could be Filipina. (You can see her picture here: ). Ooh at the mall I was delighted to hear Roch Voisine's «Delivre-Moi» («Deliver Me» in French! Bwahaha!). People here listen to the same music as we do in Vancouver, except for the French songs. XD I feel like listening to more Roch Voisine when I get back to the dorm. Bwahaha (That's right, Marz! I bought myself the good ol' CD with «La Bas Du L'hombre» on it)! >=)

<3 carmela="" p="">


hello everybody! the plane ride was great. this nice guy sitting next to me said he did the Explore program to learn English and that his daughter was gonna learn English through the Explore program in Nova Scotia this summer. =) He said he'd give me my first French lesson and told me what CEGEP meant. XD I locked myself out of my room this morning but I knew that I should call Security since that happens to Claire all the time. Then I had to explain my predicament to the guy who answered the phone in French. Now I know how ESL students feel. >.< They sent this nice lady to unlock the door for me and she spoke English! (Cue «Water Music» by Handel). My dear roommate Christina and i discovered that there`s no wireless internet at our dorm. *-_- i'm in the computer lab at UQTR now. there are many computer labs on campus, and they`re open 24 hours a day, so we're fortunate in that regard. we can still speak English here until tomorrow, then the Hitler/Stalin-esque Je parle français en tout temps et en tout lieu (I speak French at all times and in all places) rule is in effect. If you get caught speaking French, you get a carte rouge (red card) and have to memorize a French poem to get it taken back. XD Christina and I have are going to a tour of the campus at 13:00 (since in Quebecois French, you use army time), then we are gonna get our ID pictures taken & go grocery shopping. XD Fortunately, Christina knows Trois-Rivieres quite well, and there's supposedly a Looney/Tooney store nearby. =D Hopefully I'll be able to go to Mass today too... Christina's from Sudbury, so she drove in on Friday & got to go on a wee tour of the old churches around here. I haven`t gotten to call Fr. Bruyere yet, though I really do want to visit the shrine for Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. Christina brought a plushie raccoon and a My Little Pony doll! ^^ *lightbulb* You can find pictures of our dorm on the UQTR website ( They`re the kind of pinky-red buildings with a payphone in front of them. XD

<3 br="" carmela="">
PS. Dad, I tried to call you just before I went to sleep last night & followed the instructions for making a call from my room phone using a calling card & the calling card number was busy.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Take this test at Tickle

My celebrity smile style is Demure Like Charlize

What's Your Celebrity Smile Style?

Brought to you by Tickle

Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Physical Touch
with a secondary love language being
Words of Affirmation.

Complete set of results

Physical Touch: 11
Words of Affirmation: 8
Acts of Service: 5
Quality Time: 3
Receiving Gifts: 3


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Take this test at Tickle

         My lucky charm is a Rabbit's Foot!

        What's Your Lucky Charm?
         Brought to you by Tickle       

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Prayer Before Studying ~ from

Holy Spirit, come. Lead me into your presence and into a greater understanding of this material I'm about to study. Please help me to comprehend concepts the first time through, and remember details with minimal effort. Help to see what I am supposed to see and not get bogged down by distracting thoughts. Help me to stay focused so I can get through quickly, but thoroughly.

Jesuit Prayer

My Lord, teach me to be generous!
Teach me to serve You as You deserve:
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and not ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I am doing Your Will. Amen.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


I wonder when I'll be able to visit the Philippines again.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

CCC Open House! =)

Today was our open house. Yay, I didn't get bad allergies today even though I forgot to take my allergy medicine. *blushes* It was such a great experience volunteering for the event, and meeting all the prospective students. It was strange, realizing that I would be a Second Year student before long, that Stash & some of the current Second Years wouldn't be coming back to school next year, and that a whole new bunch of students would be going to school at CCC next year. We're supposedly going to expand to 200 students next year. We only have 80 students right now. I wonder how it'll be next year with so many students around the school. I only hope that the spirit of community in our school will never be lost. I hope that the students coming next year will be really nice. And I hope that I do not lose touch with all those CCC students who will not be returning next semester.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Bipolar, I seem.

Ou peut-être c'est SPM.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Another Friday...

No classes today, just Newman Club. :) I was late for our weekly Newman Club meeting, though that seemed to be another thread of God's lovely Plan. I got to bus to school with someone who graduated the year before me from my high school. =) The topic of the Newman Club meeting was Love and Relationships. =) I then heated up my food, played Settlers of Catan, then took a nap and went out for dinner. After dinner, I went to the library. Highlight of the day (aside from dinner): helping 2 people find their way around campus. 0 = )

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Thank You God for letting me have just enough money for dinner today. LOL, I had to pay $5.90 & all I had left in my wallet was $5 and 95 cents in coins! LOL!